Zhanna Aidarkhanova
Past Life and Regression Therapist
Between Lives Spiritual Regression Therapist
Location- Monaco

Zhanna Aidarkhanova, or simply Janna, is a Transpersonal and Regression Hypnotherapist certified by Alliance Training Program of The Michael Newton Institute. She is also a trained Clinical Hypnotherapist certified by the Holistic Healing Center, Paul Aurand, New York and also holds the diploma in Regression Therapy and certificate in Between Lives Spiritual Regression from the Past Life Regression Academy, Andy Tomlinson, UK.

She is a member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT), Spiritual Regression Therapy Association (SRTA), TNI associate member of The Michael Newton Institute, and a professional member of the EARTh Association for Regression Therapy. Janna is a Director of Research for Regression Association, promoting research in the area of Regression therapy.

Janna holds Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Finance from Stern School of Business, New York University. A financial analyst in the past, Janna has had a transformative experience with hypnotherapy in 2015 and ever since, her passion became to study and apply this powerful technique for the benefit of others.

Separately, Janna is a president of the international Association for Human Rights Eglex and is currently studying Human Right law at the University of London.

Janna speaks fluent English, Russian and conversational French. Based in Monaco, Janna practices in the south of France and travels to clients in Europe and the former Soviet bloc.

Email: jaidarkh@gmail.com
Telephone: +33 643914003
Website: www.transcendence-coach.com