Learn how ancient Tibetan yoga and meditation techniques can transform your life and enhance your wellbeing.
We are delighted to have two lovely guest speakers Bibi Morelli Schofield and Dominique Caubel, founders of Malabar retreats, who will give us tips on staying healthy.
Bibi was a busy banking lawyer and moved from London to Zimbabwe with her husband. A few years later, after meeting Dominique Caubel and experiencing the Lu Jong practice and his profound bodywork, her priorities began to evolve and crystallised into a new direction – to bring the benefits of Lu Jong to a wider audience. This shaped the mission of Malabar Retreats.
Dominique Caubel is one of the leading practitioners of Tibetan Healing yoga in Europe. Born in the Commores, on a small island off the African coast, Dominique is of Franco-Indian descent. His interests began with martial arts and he holds a black belt in Kung Fu and T’ai Chi. Inspired by his work with energy but seeking a non-combatative expression of this power, he began to study Tibetan Yoga, most recently Lu Jong (Tibetan Healing Yoga) with and in the tradition of renowned Master Tulku Lobsang. His professional accomplishments in the field of martial arts and yoga were also complemented over the last 20 years with a bodywork practice combining Chinese, Tibetan and Ayurvedic techniques together with Reiki and Karuna energy work. He is based in the South of France and leads the international Malabar Retreats.
It will be fun and interactive and we will do some gentle lu-gong movements.
Please bring your questions.
Arrive 12noon or before.
Register with Kim at the first restaurant -OUTSIDE TERRACE on the left as you walk in.
Please make sure you bring €10 to give to Kim for the speaker’s fund which is included in the total price.
12.15 pm talk and Q&A in the bar area.
1.15 pm Lunch in the restaurant.
After lunch:
Networking, more questions, introductions and announcements.
Cost: 38euros includes 2 course lunch, coffee/tea, water and a glass of wine plus speaker´s presentation.
Many ladies choose to have a cocktail after the luncheon to continue networking and making friends and collaborations for various projects.